Saints Row Wiki

demo v demolition[]

For anyone who wants to be pedantic about the nomenclature, the event is called "Demolition Derby" on the map, so I have changed most references to "Demo Derby" to "Demolition Derby". However, the unlockable vehicles are referred to as "Demo Derby Vehicles", therefore it is not incorrect to refer to them as such.
Here is an almost complete list of references to each name, from the game files.

Demo Derby

  • "DEMO_DERBY_ENTER_DERBY_TITLE": "Enter Demo Derby"
  • "DEMO_DERBY_EXIT_DERBY_PROMPT": "Are you sure you want to quit playing Demo Derby?"
  • "DEMO_DERBY_EXIT_DERBY_TITLE": "Exit Demo Derby"
  • "DEMO_DERBY_TITLE": "Demo Derby"
  • "DEMO_DERBY_TITLE_LEVEL": "Demo Derby Level {0}"
  • "HELP_TEXT_DEMO_DERBY": "Smash all comers in a violent demolition derby. Earn money after each round to better equip your demo derby car."
  • "MP_DERBY_CAR_NAG": "You need a car to join the Demo Derby"
  • "MULTI_ACTIVITY_DERBY": "Demo Derby"
  • "MULTI_PRESET_DERBY_DESC": "Leave nothing but scrap metal behind you, it's time for the Demo Derby."
  • "STAT_DEMO_DERBY_CARS_DESTROYED": "Demo Derby: Number of cars destroyed"
  • "STAT_DEMO_DERBY_DAMAGE_DONE": "Demo Derby: Damage done"
  • "STAT_DEMO_DERBY_LEVELS_COMPLETED": "Demo Derby: Instances completed"
  • "UNL_DEMO_DEBRY_HALF_EVENT": "Demo Derby Level 3"
  • "UNL_DEMO_DEBRY_WHOLE_EVENT": "Demo Derby Level 6"
  • "UNL_DEMO_DEBRY_WHOLE2_EVENT": "Demo Derby Level 6"
  • "UNL_DEMO_DERBY_WHOLE2": "Demo Derby Vehicles"
  • "UNL_DESC_DEMO_DERBY_WHOLE2": "You have unlocked the upgraded demo derby vehicles. Access them at your crib garages."

Demolition Derby

  • "ACHIEVE_SR2_DEMOLITION_MAN": "Demolition Man"
  • "ACT_DEMO_DERBY_NAME": "Demolition Derby"
  • "ACT_DEMO_DERBY_START": "start Demolition Derby"
  • "ACT_DEMO_DERBY_TITLE": "Demolition Derby Level Selection"
  • "Demo_Derby_Arena": "Demolition Derby"
  • "HELP_TEXT_DEMO_DERBY": "Smash all comers in a violent demolition derby. Earn money after each round to better equip *your demo derby car."
  • "MAP_ICON_DEMOLITION_DERBY": "Demolition Derby"
  • "TUT_ACT_INTRO_DEMO_DERBY": "Compete in an eight car demolition derby and destroy your opponents' cars to earn cash and respect."
  • "TUT_ACT_INTRO_DEMO_DERBY_SP": "Win bonus demolition derbies to earn cash."
  • "TUT_DEMO_DERBY_COMPLETE": "You have completed Demolition Derby!
(I'm not sure what the prefix "TUT" is for.) -User452 00:12, March 14, 2011 (UTC)

Unknown icon - Multiplayer?[]

I need info about the multiplayer derby. Does your co-op partner appear in the HUD at all? There's a extra Homie called called "ui_hud_recruit_misc_derby" Ui homie misc derby. -452 19:50, April 28, 2011 (UTC)

Here's some fairly high quality footage here. It seems your co-op partner's health appears next to yours. – Moozipan Cheese(talk page) 14:49, December 21, 2011 (UTC)
More than a year after the initial question, I searched the game text for the term. It doesn't appear anywhere, therefore the icon is not used in the game. Perhaps originally it was planned that the player could recruit a homie during the derby. It probably didn't work very well, so they took it out. --452 22:22, June 11, 2012 (UTC)
I have still been unable to find any reference to this image in the game files: icons like these are defined in bitmap_sheets.xtbl and this is defined as "ui_hud_recruit_misc_derby", but this identifier is not used by any other file, and is therefore not used in the game. -452 02:37, November 9, 2015 (UTC)

Easy upgrades[]

I'll test Easy Upgrades on PC soon, hopefully it's the same default controls. -452 23:35, September 1, 2012 (UTC)

Tested. It's Crouch + Sprint on both, kinda. On PC, it's definitely Crouch+Sprint, which by default is LShift+C, but can be changed to anything and the new assignment works. On Xbox, it is always L3+RB, which in configuration A, is Crouch+Sprint, but in B and C, RB isn't Sprint, but RB still must be held. -452 19:37, September 2, 2012 (UTC)

Exiting vehicle[]

re: "In Saints Row, it is sometimes possible to leave the vehicle when it is on fire, however, it is impossible to use weapons or enter any other vehicles and the activity still ends when the car explodes."

I have personally witnessed this. -452 22:57, September 16, 2012 (UTC)


By coincidence, the screenshots in this article, and every youtube video I could find, all show Garry with a white helmet. Since there I knew one of my screenshots had a white helmet, and one of the variants was named "white_helmet", I assumed without looking that the white_helmet variant was the one with the white helmet. As it turns out, no, the white_helmet variant has a red helmet, because the helmet are random, just like everything else about the brothers but their skin.

I've now watched the cutscene over and over at least 20 times, as well as loading the characters with my screenshot script over and over - completely random clothes. Although they do seem to be restricted to Red and Green shirts, probably a Mario homage. I will be adding more images later of both characters wearing two sets of the same clothes. 452 12:49, November 11, 2019 (UTC)
