Saints Row Wiki

Stilwater University is a neighborhood of the University District in Saints Row 2.

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The main feature of this neighborhood is Stilwater University itself, after which both the Neighborhood and District are named. The university resides directly side-by-side to the highest altitude mountain in stilwater, isolating it from the projects district and lower income areas.

It is bordered on the north by Frat Row, on the east by Sommerset, and to the northeast by Mount Claflin which houses the secret Pyramid facility.

Off the coast to the southwest lies the island with the Nuclear Power Plant.

This Neighborhood is initially controlled by the Sons of Samedi who are pushing their Loa Dust here with the help of Veteran Child.

The Saints take control of the Neighborhood on the Student Union's Cultural Day when they take out the Sons of Samedi dealers on campus and within the Student Union building.

Additional posters, tables, and displays are around the Neighborhood during the aforementioned Cultural Day.



Secret Areas

  • University Observatory



Map in Saints Row 2 - Stilwater University - Stilwater University

Stilwater University Map in Saints Row 2

File:Stilwater University Giftshop billboard.jpg

Stilwater University Giftshop billboard

Stilwater University - in-game map in Saints Row 2

Campus Map

University Dock - aerial view

University Observatory

University Observatory

University Observatory

Charred Hard Burgers Stilwater University

Charred Hard Burgers location at Stilwater University

Stilwater University Student Union - Samedi Killed counter

Stilwater University Student Union - Samedi Killed counter

File:Stilwater University unlock.png

Neighborhood unlock in Saints Row 2

Newspaper sh ss student union Stilwater University Student Union

Stronghold Newspaper

