Saints Row Wiki
SR disambig icon This article is about the SWAT vehicle. For the similarly named vehicle in Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV, see Peacemaker (Saints Row: The Third). For the other similarly named vehicle in just Saints Row IV, see Peacemaker (Saints Row IV). For the other SWAT vehicle, see Lockdown.

The Peacekeeper is a vehicle in Saints Row and Saints Row 2.


The Peacekeeper is a SWAT van used by SWAT team and spawns at road blocks at levels 3-5 police Notoriety in Saints Row and 3 in Saints Row 2.

In Saints Row 2, it is wanted by the Chop Shop in the Truck Yard District.

When chosen as a Chop Shop target, the van can also be obtained in Saint's Row District. It is always driven by Ultor guard, despite the fact that the van is used by SWAT.


In Saints Row the Peacekeeper cannot be customized.

In Saints Row 2 the Peacekeeper has few Vehicle Customization options. It does not have Hydraulics available or any options in Body Mods or Details. The Wheel Size and Wheel Width cannot be customized.

  • Body Color
  • Trim Color (2 sections)
  • Rim Color (2 sections)
  • Window Tint
  • Interior Color


Saints Row
  • standard (0%)
Saints Row 2
  • standard (100%)

This is the SWAT variant

  • ultor (0%)

The Ultor variant is not used during normal gameplay because Ultor Bears are used for road blocks instead of Peacekeepers within the Saint's Row and Nuclear Power Plant Districts.

The Ultor variant is used during Corporate Warfare DLC missions. It cannot be kept in single player, but can be kept in Co-op by having two players drive their respective vehicle to the starting point of the mission and cancelling it. After that, one of the Ultor Peacekeepers will despawn, but the other will remain and can be taken to a garage.



Saints Row variants - Peacekeeper - front left

Peacekeeper variant - front left in Saints Row

Saints Row variants - Peacekeeper - front right

Peacekeeper variant - front right in Saints Row

Saints Row variants - Peacekeeper - rear left

Peacekeeper variant - rear left in Saints Row

Saints Row variants - Peacekeeper - rear right

Peacekeeper variant - rear right in Saints Row

Peacekeeper - front right with flashing lights in Saints Row

Peacekeeper in Saints Row

Peacekeeper - left in Saints Row

Peacekeeper (side) in Saints Row

Peacekeeper - front in Saints Row

Peacekeeper (front) in Saints Row

Peacekeeper - rear in Saints Row

Peacekeeper (rear) in Saints Row

Peacekeeper - Chop Shop magazine

Boost magazine, featuring Peacekeeper in Saints Row 2

Peacekeeper - front right with flashing lights in Saints Row 2

Peacekeeper in Saints Row 2

Peacekeeper - front left in Saints Row 2

Peacekeeper in Saints Row 2

Peacekeeper - front left with lights in Saints Row 2

The Peacekeeper in an roadblock in Saints Row 2

Peacekeeper - Truckyard Chop Shop list in Saints Row 2

Chop Shop Peacekeeper in Saints Row 2

Peacekeeper - ultor variant - front left in Saints Row 2

ULTOR Peacekeeper (side) in Saints Row 2

Peacekeeper - ultor variant - rear left in Saints Row 2

ULTOR Peacekeeper (rear) in Saints Row 2

Peacekeeper - ultor variant - front left corner in Saints Row 2

ULTOR Peacekkeper (front) in Saints Row 2

Peacekeeper - standard variant in Saints Row 2

Standard variant in Saints Row 2

Peacekeeper - ultor variant in Saints Row 2

Ultor variant in Saints Row 2


  1. Mission: Traffic Control
  2. Vehicle values:
    Pitch Roll Yaw
    SR1 0.5 0.5 0.7
    SR2 0.3 0.2 0.3
