Saints Row Wiki

This page lists the homie conversations between CID and other characters.

Saints Row IV[]

CID and Asha[]

CID: "Your file has been most interesting to read, Asha Odekar."
Asha: "My File? What are you talking about?"
CID: "You'd be surprised what the Zin grabbed from Earth's databases before obliterating the planet. They have many pages on you."
Asha: "Oh Really?"
CID: "Yes. They even had information about your earlier self."
Asha: "Oh. Really?"
CID: "Oh yes, I am sure your hometown Eagles were bolstered to many of victory by your forceful cheers, squad captain Odekar."
Asha: "You tell anyone about that CID and I will rip every last resistor off your circuit board with my teeth."
CID: "Of course."

CID and Ben King[]

Ben King: "So, why do they call you CID?"
CID: "Because this robotic orb my consciousness is inside is called a C.I.D., a Control and Interface Device."
Ben King: "Not very creative then."
CID: "Actually, I have heard groups of warriors such as ourselves often have someone named Cid who travels with them."
Ben King: "Oh, where have you heard that?"
CID: "From the last fantasy game I saw online."

CID and CID Shield[]

CID: "That is a nice exterior you have."
CID Enemy: "Thank you..."
CID: "Shall we go somewhere private where we can talk, I'd would love to see some of your programming and inner workings."
CID Enemy: "Are you trying to get me to interface?"
CID: "I'm certain you would enjoy it."
CID Enemy: "Alright, but make it quick."

CID and Cyrus[]

Cyrus: "You know you remind me of some tech our R.N.D department worked up for training exercises in STAG."
CID: "I can understand the need for wanting something with a vast knowledge database and mercenary tendencies in your military training."
Cyrus: "Actually we just use it for moving target practice."

CID and Fun Shaundi[]

CID: "Why do I not see you on the ship?"
Fun Shaundi: "Huh? You mean outside the simulated city?"
CID: "Yes."
Fun Shaundi: "Well, cause I'm already there. And I can't really be there if I'm already there. You know what I mean?"
CID: "Are you high?"
Fun Shaundi: "Um, yeah."

CID and Johnny Gat[]

CID: "Permission to speak freely, Mr. Gat?"
Johnny Gat: "Uh, sure..."
CID: "After researching your exploits both on earth and within your own simulation. I have come to a singular conclusion. You scare me..."
Johnny Gat: "Oh, well good."
CID: "That is all, thank you."

CID and Julius[]

CID: "Did you used to be the Vice President as well?"
Julius: "Come again?"
CID: "There are are several similarities between you and the current Vice President."
Julius: "Why does everyone keep saying that?"

CID and Keith[]

CID: "I have been doing research on you, Mr. David."
Keith David: "Seems you like to do research on lots of people. Well, so do I, that's why I had Kinzie do a little research on you. Seems like you've been around for quite some time and that you've been inside a lot of simulations."
CID: "That is true."
Keith David: "And that you've made a lot of simulations. Some very specific simulations. One hidden far way from any prying Zin eyes."
CID: "Oh, you, oh."
Keith David: "So why don't you stop digging up dirt on me and I won't tell anyone else about some of your proclivities."
CID: "How about that sport's team?"

CID and Kinzie[]

CID: "Are you sure you do not want to go out with me sometime, Kinzie?"
Kinzie: "Yeah, I'm sure."
CID: "It is just that I have been alone for so long and you and I have so much in common."
Kinzie: "CID, I've been doing this hacking thing for a long time, I can smell bullshit even through a monotone computery voice like yours."
CID: "Well damn."

CID and Maero[]

CID: "Why do humans see the need to permanently mark their body with ink?"
Maero: "Why do robots see the need to ask such stupid pointless questions."
CID: "That was unkind."

CID and Matt[]

CID: "By the way, Matt, I finished retrieving your data from the satellite backup like you asked."
Matt Miller: "Oh. Good."
CID: "I took the liberty of partitioning one of the drives on The Ship and putting the data there for easy retrieval."
Matt Miller: "You did what!?"
CID: "I also informed Kinzie that I sequestered 1.4 terabytes of onboard storage for the task and asked that she check the data for infection and completeness."
Matt Miller: "You told Kinzie?"
CID: "Yes, Ms. Kensington made it very clear to me that she should be informed of anything related to the ship."
Matt Miller: "You told Kinzie!"
CID: "You sound distressed, I would not worry. There is nothing to be embarrassed about, I imagine Ms. Kensington has already seen herself naked."
Matt Miller: "Shit."

CID and Phillipe[]

CID: "Is it true you let the Saints believe you killed Johnny Gat?"
Phillipe: "It is."
CID: "In hindsight, do you see that as a wise decision?"
Phillipe: "In hindsight, I would never have expanded to Stilwater in the first place."

CID and Pierce[]

CID: "Do I make you uncomfortable? If so, I apologize."
Pierce: "What? No, no. Why would you?"
CID: "You are always backing away from me and giving sideways glances as if I am contagious."
Pierce: "Me? No, you must be imagining things CID. Nah, we cool."
CID: "I am glad to hear that. I was hoping I could recharge in your room for a short time."
Pierce: "Wait, what?"

CID and Roddy[]

CID: "I have been watching footage of your old fighting matches, Mr. Piper."
Roddy Piper: "We called it wrestling, CID."
CID: "Whatever, it was very similar to an exhibition sport I invented on my home-world."
Roddy Piper: "Oh yeah, ha! Funny how two completely different worlds can create things that are so similar."
CID: "Yes, I am sure it was completely coincidental. You will be hearing from my attorneys, Mr. Piper."

CID and Shaundi[]

CID: "Why did you cut your hair?"
Shaundi: "What? I didn't."
CID: "The other Shaundi's hair is longer and has much more personality. Why did you change it?"
Shaundi: "Are you saying I don't have personality?"
CID: "I did not mean to..."
Shaundi: "Cool it, CID. I'm just fucking with you. To be honest, sometimes I miss the dreads, they were a hell of a lot easier to maintain."

CID and Tanya[]

CID: "How do you manage the logistics of your brothel houses?"
Tanya: "It's really quite simple, if a room is empty, send the next customer in."
CID: "You do not care what sort of proclivities each of your girls or your patrons have?"
Tanya: "Look, sex is sex. What do I care if any of them would rather have something specific, as long as I get paid."
CID: "You are a terrible mistress and should be ashamed."

CID and Veteran Child[]

Veteran Child: "So can you play music or anything useful?"
CID: "Yes, I have quite a large library of music from your world."
Veteran Child: "Anything by the Feed Dogs?"
CID: "Yes."
Veteran Child: "Let's hear it, you pick."
CID: "No."
Veteran Child: "I thought you were some kind of servant robot, so come on, play something."
CID: "The only time I serve anyone is if I get paid, but for Fun Shaundi's ex, I will make an exception and just say piss off."