Saints Row Wiki

This page lists the homie conversations between Johnny Gat and other characters.

Saints Row IV[]

Johnny Gat and Asha[]

Asha: "Your boss speaks very highly of you."
Johnny Gat: "Oh yeah we're tight. We go way back."
Asha: "Given my training as a soldier, your boss might be specially interested in hearing about your exploits. Listening to your boss go on and on and on. I'll admit, I felt a bit of a rivalry against you."
Johnny Gat: "Rivalry huh? Hehe. I don't think you need to worry about that."
Asha: "Oh. Wasn't worried..."

Johnny Gat and Ben King[]

Johnny Gat: "King."
Ben King: "How's the leg been?"
Johnny Gat: "Hurts like a bitch when it's gonna rain."
Ben King: "You know I'm sorry about that."
Johnny Gat: "Fuck it, wasn't you who did it."
Ben King: "Still."
Johnny Gat: "Well, thanks."

Johnny Gat and CID[]

CID: "Permission to speak freely, Mr. Gat?"
Johnny Gat: "Uh, sure..."
CID: "After researching your exploits both on earth and within your own simulation. I have come to a singular conclusion. You scare me..."
Johnny Gat: "Oh, well good."
CID: "That is all, thank you."

Johnny Gat and Cyrus[]

Cyrus: "I remember reading your file when STAG was first handed the task of taking down the Saints."
Johnny Gat: "Bet it was a good read."
Cyrus: "The list of people killed by you was the longest I'd seen in my entire career, outside a military war zone."
Johnny Gat: "Hey, that list is under appeal in court."
Cyrus: "And look where you ended up. Captured and imprisoned for years by an alien warlord, your friends thinking you were dead."
Johnny Gat: "Hey, at least I'm alive. It's more than I can say for you."

Johnny and Fun Shaundi[]

Johnny Gat: "Never really thought I'd be seeing you like this again."
Fun Shaundi: "Well I never thought I'd get all uptight and repressed."
Johnny Gat: "Nah, you're not really that bad now. You just learned a few new things."
Fun Shaundi: "Like how to stop having fun and get all aggressive and vengeful?"
Johnny Gat: "Hey, aggressive and vengeful is fun. Though I think that's the part you didn't catch on to."
Fun Shaundi: "Uh, sometimes you have to spell it out for me."
Johnny Gat: "Good point."

Johnny Gat and Julius[]

Julius: "Nice to see you again, Gat."
Johnny Gat: "Julius."
Julius: "Shit seemed so much simpler in the old days, didn't it, Johnny?"
Johnny Gat: "What? Before you got Lin killed, you let an undercover cop into the crew, and then you betrayed your own. Yeah, simpler."
Julius: "I wasn't responsible for what happened to Lin and you know it."
Johnny Gat: "Didn't argue the other two, though. That's what I thought."

Johnny Gat and Keith[]

Johnny Gat: "God it feels good to be the fuck out of that pink ass vat."
Keith David: "From what I hear you were there a long time."
Johnny Gat: "Years, man, fucking years. Reliving the same hell day after day after day. It gets to you, you reach a point were you think if I gotta go through this fucking thing one more damn time I'm gonna snap."
Keith David: "Yeah, I've had shoots like that."

Johnny and Kinzie[]

Kinzie: "So, why didn't you try leading the Saints?"
Johnny Gat: "Didn't see the point."
Kinzie: "Well, you're pretty charismatic, you've been a part of the Saints longer than anyone, people don't like pissing you off and even Zinyak thought you were the biggest threat to him."
Johnny Gat: "I've done the planning part in the past and it's boring. I rather just get in there and get shit done. I find it's more fun that way."
Kinzie: "That's really not that different than how the Boss does things now."

Johnny Gat and Maero[]

Johnny Gat: "Hahahahaha."
Maero: "What's so funny?"
Johnny Gat: "Well, there's a lot to choose from, 20-80 split offer, your new face tattoo, your boy Matt."
Maero: "Do you want to go over my list? Starting with your boy, Carlos."
Johnny Gat: "Not if you wanna keep breathing."

Johnny Gat and Matt[]

Matt Miller: "If you don't mind me saying so Johnny, you're not nearly the psychopathic killing machine I was led to believe."
Johnny Gat: "Oh, yeah? I guess I'll take that as a compliment."
Matt Miller: "In fact I think I get you. Power at any cost, ultimate control, absolute loyalty to yourself. You and I share that, Johnny."
Johnny Gat: "All right, yeah. You know you're not so bad, Miller."
Matt Miller: "We're like brothers."

Johnny Gat and Phillipe[]

Phillipe: "It's a pleasure to see you again, Monsieur Gat."
Johnny Gat: "You know, if you'd just left us alone in Stilwater, your Syndicate would have lasted a lot longer."
Phillipe: "And if you'd taken our offer on the plane, you might not have been captured and kept in your own personal mental prison."
Johnny Gat: "Trust me, that wasn't half as bad as being forced to work side by side with your smug ass right now."
Phillipe: "I did not make the decision to put us together, Monsieur Gat."
Johnny Gat: "You're right, it's like someone is intentionally trying to put us together to see what'll happen. Fucking fan-fiction."

Johnny Gat and Pierce[]

Johnny Gat: "So, Shaundi's still giving you shit?"
Pierce: "Every chance she gets. I swear man, I don't know what I did to piss that girl off."
Johnny Gat: "Man, you didn't do a damn thing. It's just her way of showing affection."
Pierce: "Oh, is that what you call it."
Johnny Gat: "You know, you're like a brother to her, Pierce. Always have been, believe me. She looks up to you more than you know."
Pierce: "Wow, no shit? Huh, I guess maybe that makes sense. I mean, I always thought of her like a little sister, after all."
Johnny Gat: "Then again, what the hell do I know. I've been stuck up on this damn ship for years."
Pierce: "And I was just beginning to feel better about it. Thank you, Johnny."

Johnny Gat and Roddy[]

Johnny Gat: "It's nice to see a celebrity who can handle a gun, seems most of them can barely land a punch."
Roddy Piper: "Yeah, I suppose you've met a lot of celebrities, huh?"
Johnny Gat: "Ehh, none that I've been impressed with."
Roddy Piper: "I hear you brother, no shit."

Johnny Gat and Shaundi[]

Johnny Gat: "Yo, Shaundi. So, how's it been?"
Shaundi: "Fine. Just fine."
Johnny Gat: "Ahh, you're not very convincing, you know?"
Shaundi: "Well, what did you expect? I thought I listened to you die. I thought that if we'd only gone back for you we could've stopped it."
Johnny Gat: "Woah, woah, woah, hold up. I'm right here, I didn't die, and besides, that wouldn't have been on you."
Shaundi: "That doesn't change what it's been like for me all these years. I really thought I'd lost you."
Johnny Gat: "Yo, Shaundi look. I'm sorry you had to go through that. But, I'm here now. Alive and kicking! That counts for something, right?"
Shaundi: "Yeah, but I just can't go through that again."
Johnny Gat: "Shaundi, don't worry. You won't have to, I promise."
Shaundi: "Thanks, Johnny."

Johnny Gat and Tanya[]

Johnny Gat: "Hey, I'm sorry about Big Tony, but you know, that was business."
Tanya: "Oh, don't worry about that. It's in the past."
Johnny Gat: "Right."
Tanya: "I'm just saying I'm willing to forgive and forget if you are, honey."
Johnny Gat: "Tanya."
Tanya: "Yeah, baby?"
Johnny Gat: "You ain't getting close enough to shank me."
Tanya: "Damn."

Johnny Gat and Veteran Child[]

Johnny Gat: "So, how many times?"
Veteran Child: "What are you talking about?"
Johnny Gat: "How many times has Shaundi kill you now. What, like, fifty?"
Veteran Child: "Not cool, man."
Johnny Gat: "I dunno, fifty is pretty impressive."