Saints Row Wiki

"Elysian Fields Trailer Park" is a Stronghold in Saints Row 2.

Stilwater Gazette newspaper headline


Shaundi phones Playa and briefs them on some trailers being used as Sons of Samedi drug labs in Elysian Fields. Playa destroys the trailers after learning of their locations.


Upon completion of the Stronghold, this description is available at Newspaper Clipboards.

The Elysian Fields trailer park is a scarred battlefield today after giant explosions tore through the complex. Preliminary reports suggest that a few trailers housing illegal drug labs were behind the damage. Witnesses say the Sons of Samedi and members of the Third Street Saints were seen trading gunfire in the area shortly before the explosions began. However, it's unclear if they had anything to do with the explosions at this time.


Elysian Fields Trailer Park - Labs Destroyed

Gameplay from the Stronghold.

Find the map of the trailer park

Head to the nearby laundromat and through to the back room, killing all opposition. There are Satchel Charges placed around the room on the desk and the shelves.

Use explosives to blow up the trailers with Dust labs in them

Heading back outside, go to the five marked trailers, and destroy them.

The trailers can only be destroyed by explosions, and the resulting destruction is quite large.

The trailers do not have to be destroyed using the Satchel Charges. Any explosion created next to it, be it a vehicle or an RPG Launcher, is sufficient to destroy them.



  • Whenever the Taxi Service is used to get to this mission's marker, the screen fades into the car being submerged in the water.
  • The trailers revert to being undamaged after leaving Elysian Fields and returning. They can be also destroyed before starting the Stronghold or after completing it but it doesn't affect the gameplay.
  • The Satchel Charge is silently added to Weapons Cache as a result of picking it up.
    • The Satchel Charges in the back room will respawn after a couple of seconds, allowing the player to continuously increase the ammo count if they choose to.


The Sons have been using the trailer park to develop their products for years. If you can find what trailers they're using for drug labs, you should have no problem making them go "boom".
— Shaundi


Elysian Fields Trailer Park intro

The trailer park where the Stronghold takes place

Elysian Fields Trailer Park intro - overview of trailer park

The trailer park where the Stronghold takes place

Tp drugmap

The map of trailers from inside the laundromat

Newspaper sh ss trailerpark Elysian Fields Trailer Park

The Stilwater Gazette newspaper clipping from the completion screen and Newspaper Clipboard
