Saints Row Wiki

This page lists the homie conversations between Fun Shaundi and other characters.

Saints Row IV[]

Fun Shaundi and Asha[]

Fun Shaundi: "You're MI6, right? What's it like being part if that?"
Asha: "Quite gratifying, really. I get to protect my government from outside threats and keep people safe from harm."
Fun Shaundi: "Yeah, you know your government kinda got blown up, right?"
Asha: "Thank you for pointing that out."
Fun Shaundi: "Oh, anytime."

Fun Shaundi and Ben King[]

Fun Shaundi: "So, you were some big hotshot gangster back in Stilwater?"
Ben King: "Please, I was more of a businessman with a... checkered past."
Fun Shaundi: "But you ran Kingdom Come Records, right? That's the label that put out all of Aisha's albums."
Ben King: "That's right."
Fun Shaundi: "Did it piss you off to find out she faked her death just to get out of her contract?"
Ben King: "Wait, what?"
Fun Shaundi: "Oh, um, forget I said anything. OK?"

Fun Shaundi and CID[]

CID: "Why do I not see you on the ship?"
Fun Shaundi: "Huh? You mean outside the simulated city?"
CID: "Yes."
Fun Shaundi: "Well, cause I'm already there. And I can't really be there if I'm already there. You know what I mean?"
CID: "Are you high?"
Fun Shaundi: "Um, yeah."

Fun Shaundi and Cyrus[]

Fun Shaundi: "Heard you kidnapped me or something."
Cyrus: "That was business."
Fun Shaundi: "And what about seducing me and make me serve your every little fantasy?"
Cyrus: "Wait, what? I-I never."
Fun Shaundi: "Haha. You should see your face."

Fun Shaundi and Johnny[]

Johnny Gat: "Never really thought I'd be seeing you like this again."
Fun Shaundi: "Well I never thought I'd get all uptight and repressed."
Johnny Gat: "Nah, you're not really that bad now. You just learned a few new things."
Fun Shaundi: "Like how to stop having fun and get all aggressive and vengeful?"
Johnny Gat: "Hey, aggressive and vengeful is fun. Though I think that's the part you didn't catch on to."
Fun Shaundi: "Uh, sometimes you have to spell it out for me."
Johnny Gat: "Good point."

Fun Shaundi and Julius[]

Julius: "You ever take anything seriously, girl?"
Fun Shaundi: "Who me? Of course I do."
Julius: "Beside partying."
Fun Shaundi: "I was right in the thick of things with the Saints, thank you very much."
Julius: "What? Playing hacky-sac?"
Fun Shaundi: "Hey, that led to an important lead on the Brotherhood I'll have you know."

Fun Shaundi and Keith[]

Fun Shaundi: "So, when I get older I get to hang out with famous movie stars. That doesn't sound half bad."
Keith David: "Actually, I'm the Vice President now."
Fun Shaundi: "But you still get to go to all the posh Hollywood parties I'm sure. And I'm betting you let me tag along, cause honestly why wouldn't you."
Keith David: "Honestly, no. You've never asked to come with me."
Fun Shaundi: "Hold on, older me has told you how big a fan I am of your work, right?"
Keith David: "She's never mentioned it."
Fun Shaundi: "So, she never told you that I think of you when... actually, that's probably a good thing she didn't mention that."

Fun Shaundi and Kinzie[]

Kinzie: "I still don't believe you're real, you know."
Fun Shaundi: "Hey, you were the one that was a crazy voice from the sky when we first met, remember?"
Kinzie: "Well, you're just some fractured part of Shaundi's psyche that manifested due to feelings of inadequacy and self-loathing."
Fun Shaundi: "OK, now you're projecting here."
Kinzie: "Well you're a... Wait, what?"
Fun Shaundi: "Hey, I just call it as I see it."

Fun Shaundi and Maero[]

Fun Shaundi: "What you did to Carlos was kinda shitty, you know?"
Maero: "I suppose what you did to Jessica was just getting even?"
Fun Shaundi: "Well, yeah."
Maero: "Well, let me give you a tip. There is no even."
Fun Shaundi: "Asshole."

Fun Shaundi and Matt[]

Fun Shaundi: "Wow, so I hear you're like a super smart hacker."
Matt Miller: "Oh, you heard right. Yes, I am of a sophisticated intellect."
Fun Shaundi: "But you're way more chill than Kinzie, she's kinda high-strung."
Matt Miller: "Perhaps I'm more confidant in my abilities."
Fun Shaundi: "You're also kinda cute."
Matt Miller: "Oh! Well, thank you."
Fun Shaundi: "And you have that cute accent. What are you doing after this? You wanna smoke a bulb? Maybe see where things go?"
Matt Miller: "I... don't think older you would appreciate that very much."
Fun Shaundi: "She doesn't have to know."
Matt Miller: "But she would. Older Shaundi knows everything."

Fun Shaundi and Phillipe[]

Fun Shaundi: "So, I hear you're part of the reason I turned into such a bitch."
Phillipe: "I believe that you did that all on your own, little girl."
Fun Shaundi: "Little girl? You seriously going with that?"
Phillipe: "I have been the head of a multi-national crime organisation responsible for hundreds of highly lucrative actions all over the world. I owned businesses, buildings, government officials, and my own jet. What have you ever accomplished?"
Fun Shaundi: "I helped kill you."

Fun Shaundi and Pierce[]

Pierce: "Hahaha! Hey Shaundi, you remember the time when we..."
Fun Shaundi: "When we found that stash of weed I hid under the couch cushions of the crib in Stilwater, smoked the whole bag, then thought it would be a fun to get into a fistfight with Johnny?"
Pierce: "What? No, just ahh..."
Fun Shaundi: "I know, good times."
Pierce: "Dammit, girl."

Fun Shaundi and Roddy[]

Fun Shaundi: "Wow! You're totally Roddy Piper."
Roddy Piper: "Yeah, that's me."
Fun Shaundi: "I was a big fan of yours."
Roddy Piper: "Ahh, good. That's nice to hear."
Fun Shaundi: "I learned so much from you."
Roddy Piper: "Really? Did you wrestle in high-school or something?"
Fun Shaundi: "No, man. I learned so much about the real world. You know, the real world. With the people with no faces and messages on everything."
Roddy Piper: "Oh, yeah. Baby Jesus, you folks are freaks."

Fun Shaundi and Shaundi[]

Fun Shaundi: "So, you remember that time we had at the North Pier with..."
Shaundi: "Randall and Jackie, yeah. What he did..."
Fun Shaundi: "With those fireworks, that was crazy. And those..."
Shaundi: "Fuzzy handcuffs, I never thought he was gonna get them off that sailor."
Fun Shaundi: "I know. Man, those were good times."

Fun Shaundi and Tanya[]

Fun Shaundi: "I like your shoes."
Tanya: "Yeah, they're pretty nice, I guess."
Fun Shaundi: "And the skirt, looks good on you."
Tanya: "Umm, thanks."
Fun Shaundi: "Ya got anything to eat? I'm starving."
Tanya: "Damn stoners."

Fun Shaundi and Veteran Child[]

Fun Shaundi: "So, you got anything good on you?"
Veteran Child: "I tried to kill you and you're hitting me up for weed?"
Fun Shaundi: "What? I killed you, you're harmless now. Might as well party a little."
Veteran Child: "Shrr. I think I'd be insulted if I didn't have a bag stashed at the crib we can hit later."
Fun Shaundi: "Sounds perfect to me."